Sunday, November 10, 2013

RealTime Scenario 8: ORA-01722: INVALID NUMBER

Realtime Scenario 8:

Database driver error...

This is little Difficult to find, but please follow the below steps, you can find data which is causing issue.

Below are the steps:


1-> let suppose i have  a table EXAMPLE which is having below fields.

          1. USER_NAME VARCHAR2(10);
          2. USER_ID NUMBER(3);
          3. PLACE VARCHAR2(20);
          4. PINCODE NUMBER(6); 
          5. DATE_OF_ENTRY  DATE;
          6. COMMENTS VARCHAR2(100);

         now when i execute the below query i got the below error.

         Select * from EXAMPLE:
        ORA-01722: INVALID NUMBER

2->  The error it is saying that INVALID NUMBER, so we have to check all the FIELDS which are defined as NUMBER Data Type. we should not bother about VARCHAR/VARCHAR2/DATE datatypes.

3-> View the Data for Below 2 Columns from the table EXAMPLE.

              select USER_ID,PINCODE from EXAMPLE;

 Note: Please select the ata for each column independently fromo Table data.(Press f4 on the table, you will get table description an then select data tab)

4->Once the Data is Fetched, please select USER_ID filed in Desending order/Ascending Order(to view Data). So that it will gives you a wrong record which is Different from the Defined Datatype.

5-> Same repeat for the second column PINCODE.

6->From the above 2 steps(Step 4 and Step 5) ,u will know which field is causing the issue.

7-> Please Correct the Bad Record which is Identified. definitly that Record should come from the Source. So please modify the Record in Source end.

8-> Once the Data is Corrected. Please Restart the failed job.


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