Real Scenario 7: (Abinitio)
Unable to subdivide hash-join input into partitions smaller than
max-core = 157286400 bytes. This can be caused by a very large number
of records having the same key value. Either increase max-core to
at least 157483759 or sort and use the merge-join component.
max-core = 157286400 bytes. This can be caused by a very large number
of records having the same key value. Either increase max-core to
at least 157483759 or sort and use the merge-join component.
This kind of errors we usually face in Sorter/Joiner components in Abinitio. when we use hash -Join Component we should declare Some max core value. lets say (150M) in this scenario.
if we recieve more numbe rof Records, then hash-Join component will not handle those many records with a MAX-CORE value of 150M. so we have to Increase our Max-CORE value based on the number of records we are Processing.
so once we increased the MAX_CORE value then we are good to start the Abinitio Graph. it should be completed without any issues.
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